Russia has prepared a draft regulation, which approves the list of products, which underlie the Technical Regulation on fire safety no. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008. This regulation only holds for Russia. It provides two types of conformity assessment: Fire safety declaration and fire safety certificate. The proof of fire safety in Russia is the result of an mandatory procedure of state supervision of products. Thanks to this procedure it shall be assessed, whether the requirements of fire safety are met.
The draft excludes such products, which already have been listed in the TR EAEU 043/2017 “On requirements for fire retardants and fire extinguishing systems”. Power switches and circuit breakers, which are regulated by the TR CU 004/2011 “On safety of low voltage equipment” also have been removed from the list.
The updated list includes, among other things, electric cables, finishing and facing material, sound and thermal insulation material, flooring and sealing and roofing material.
The entry into force of the new list of products, whose conformity with the national fire safety regulations shall be assessed, is planned for July 1, 2021.