We provide extracts from the Unified State register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs of Russia with translation into any languages and apostille for use abroad.
Data on real estate of Russia are contained in the Unified State Real Estate Register (USRER).
In modern Russia until 2017 information about real estate has been contained in two main registers: Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions Therewith (USRR) and the State Real Estate Cadaster (SREC). Since January 1, 2017 they were united in the single information system – Unified State Real Estate Register (USRER). It contains information about rights to land and real estate registered since January 31, 1998. Information about rights to housing objects registered prior to this date is stored in registers of executive authorities of those populated areas in which real estate objects are located.
The composition and rules for maintenance of the USRER are governed by article 7 of the Law dated July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ “On state registration of real estate”.
USRER, cadastral maps and document record books are maintained in an electronic form. Register files are stored in electronic form and on a paper medium.
Information in the USRER is divided into public and non-public.
Public information
- data on personality, owner of a real estate object
- general description and details of an object
- legal information about owners (if not one) specifying shares
- ground for a right to operate an object
- legal entitlements
Non-public information available to the owner
- list of documents which set forth rights of ownership
- extensive data on the movement of rights of ownership for all time
- data on the state of health (capacity and legal capacity) of each of owners
- bank data
- data containing notarial and lawyer’s secret
Available information
- extracts from the USRER on a real estate object
- basic characteristics of a real estate object and its registered rights
- cadastral plan
- area with special land use conditions
- border between RF subjects, border of a municipal entity and border of a populated area
- cadastral value of a real estate object
- registered shared construction participation agreements
Access is restricted
- rights of an individual for his available real estate objects
- transfer of rights to a real estate object
- recognition of a right-holder as legally incapable or restrictedly legally capable
- contents of documents of title
- copies of documents, on the basis of which data were entered in the USRER
A right-holder and heir may obtain a certificate of everyone who requested information about an object.
Contents of the extract from the USRER
- cadastral number
- cadastral value
- full name of an applicant
- full name of owners
- type of rights
- ground for accrual of rights
- date of registration in the SREC
- stamp of a registration authority
- date of acquisition of rights
- history of ownership
- information about limitations and encumbrances
- information about legal incapacity of owners
- location map
Information can be obtained in electronic form or on a paper medium.
To obtain it, an application must be filed, and an identity document must be submitted.
* some data may be unavailable for certain items or may be provided for a fee.
The time for preparation of an extract depending on its form is from 3 to 10 days.
Extracts from the land register are provided subject to the laws of the Russian Federation and to the Law on personal data protection.
Search criteria
- cadastral number
- full address
- owner's full name - if you can prove your legitimate interest
Inquiries are processed from 30 minutes.
Service | Price incl. German VAT 19% | Price excl. VAT |
Price for an electronic extract from the land register of Russia | from 59,50 € | from 50,00 € |
Price for a certified extract from the land register of Russia | from 179,50 € | from 150,00 € |
Price for an apostilled extract from the land register of Russia | from 190,40 € | from 160,00 € |
Extract from the RF USRER may be used for:
- confirmation of rights to real estate
- obtain information about real estate
- find out the owner
- prepare business deals
- register collaterals for loans
- participate in tenders
- execution of legal acts
- receipt of information about the real estate object
- debt collection
- analysis of prices for real estate
- other commercial and analytical purposes
Apostilled extracts from Russia
Russia joined the Hague Convention on simplified legalization of documents on May 31, 1992.
Thus, the documents issued in Russia shall be legalized under the simplified procedure - Apostille.
For use of the extract from the USRLE in countries which did not ratify the convention, consular legalization must be conducted.
As a rule, apostillation of extracts takes about two weeks.
Moreover, you can order certified translation of documents to any necessary language.
The requests shall be processed within one business day. Courier delivery of the apostilled extract в shall be paid additionally according to the courier tariff rates.