Since the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union the member states (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan) have passed 44 technical regulations, 35 of which are in force. On September 1, another technical regulation TR EAEU 040/2016 On safety of fish products will enter into force.
In 2016 and 2017, 9 new technical regulations have been passed. Currently, 14 more regulations are being develeoped, 5 of which are in the final stage. Concerned are building materials and building products, alcoholic beverages, cleaning agents and household cleaning agents, paints and coatings, building safety, coal and processed products. Due to a disagreement between the EAEU's member states, the passage of these regulations will be delayed.
Further projects are still being drafted and are developed internally by the member states' national technical commissions. Concerned are chicken meat, products for civil protection, pipelines and animal feed.
The Eurasian Economic commission plans about 30 changes to the existing regulations. Concerened are TR CU 010/2011 On safety of machinery and equipment, TR CU 018/2011 On safety of wheeled vehicles, TR CU 031/2012 On safety of agricultural or forestry operation vehicles and trailers, TR CU 019/2011 On safety of personal protective equipment, TR CU 008/2011 On safety of toys, TR CU 009/2011 On safety of perfumes and cosmetic products, TR CU 021/2011 On safety of food.