Each measuring equipment, which is used in a specific area defined by the state must first receive approval in form of the metrological certification.
Meteorological certifications, type approval or Pattern approval certificate (PAC) is a procedure of state supervision for measuring equipments and devices.
The metrological certificate confirms, that the certified measurement equipment meet the minimum requirements of the technical regulations in Belarus. In doing so the uniformity of measurements can be guaranteed. After having passed the metrological examination successfully the equipment can be included in the state register and may be applied in Belarus from that date.
Mandatory metrological certification
The approval of measuring instruments is regulated by the law of the Republic of Belarus of September 5, 1995, No. 3848-XII "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements", resolutions of the ministerial council of the Republic of Belarus and by resolutions of the Gosstandart.
According to the Law no. 3484-XII the type approval of measurement instruments is an essential part of metrological surveillance. The state laboratory examines the compliance with legal requirements by means of metrological and technical characteristics of the devices in order to guarantee uniformity of measurements. These examinations are the basis for the decision on type approval of the measuring equipment.
In accordance with the law, in a lot of areas, that underlie state supervision and surveillance, only certified and approved measuring equipment can be applied.
In Belarus the state committee for standardization - Gosstandart - is responsible for the surveillance of measuring equipment.
Required Prerequisites for the introduction of measuring equipment:
- The measuring equipment shall fulfill the necessary requirements of the technical regulation
- An appropriate conformity assessment procedure has to be conducted in order to proof conformity
- The conformity is to be confirmed by a procedure of type approval
- The measuring equipment shall be marked with the respective symbol
The metrological surveillance includes:
- Type approval
- Metrological certification of measuring equipment
- Gauging
- Calibration
- Metrological confirmation of suitability of measuring procedures
Type approval is an essential part of metrological surveillance. For type approval both metrological and technical characteristics of the equipment are determined, its conformity with the legal requirements of the Republic of Belarus is examined and a decision on approval of the respective type is taken. The measurement technology is also part of type approval and is applied in specific areas.
These areas include:
- Healthcare
- Veterinary medicine
- Work safety
- Environmental protection
- Arms industry
- Industrial safety (For measuring equipment, which is used in facilities with enhanced danger)
- Commerce
- Cartography and geodesy
Gauging means the examination of metrological properties of approved types and the confirmation of conformity with legal requirements of the Republic of Belarus in order to guarantee uniformity of measurement.
Gauging is conducted for new devices, after their import to the Republic of Belarus or after the repair. The frequency of gauging is determined by Gosstandart and the operating documents. An accredited laboratory is responsible for carrying out the gauging.
For the calibration, which is essential for metrological surveillance, metrological properties of devices are identified: the relation between the measured value of the device and the value of the gauge is determined under certain circumstances.
The calibration shall be carried out after the manufacturing process, a repair, when it is used or imported to the Republic of Belarus.
The calibration is also conducted by an accredited laboratory.
Type approval procedure
The type approval procedure consists in the following steps:
- Application for certification
- Manufacturing audit
- Laboratory testing of measuring instruments
- The decision on approval or rejection is taken by the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus and confirmed by a certificate of type approval of measuring instruments.
- Information on measuring equipment is entered into the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Republic of Belarus.
- Installation of type approval marking
- Information on type approval of measuring instruments or on their erasement is published in the official publications of the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus.

Required documents:
- Sample devices for tests
- Detailed descriptions
- Test reports for in-house tests
- Advertising material
- Instruction manual
- Available certificates
Depending on the application the list can be enhanced.
Marking obligation
After the measuring instrument has passed all the required measuring tests and has been entered into the state register of the approved measuring instrument on the basis of the Rosstandart decision, the measuring instrument must be marked with the "СТБ" calibration mark -- Approved measuring instrument.
The marking of measuring instruments with the "СТБ" mark is only permitted during the validity period of the metrological certificate. After expiry of the certificate, the mark is no longer permitted.
The "СТБ" should be placed on each measuring device and must be clearly legible.
The technical accompanying documents shall contain the information about certification and registration.
The misuse of metrological marks can lead to legal consequences.
Time duration and costs for metrological certification
The metrological certification is a complex, cost intensive and continuous procedure. Time duration and costs of the registration depend on many factors, such as the type of device, its complexity and the scope of the necessary laboratory tests.
The exact conditions of the certification are always determined individually on the basis of the required documents.
Please note that the application for metrological certification can take several months
The period of validity of the metrological approval certification
The validity of a metrological approval certification for serial production is 5 years.
Renewal of the Pattern Approval Certificate
The certificate may be renewed for a further period of five years, if the application is submitted at least three months before the expiry date. The decision is made by Gosstandart provided that the measuring equipment has not undergone any structural changes and no complaints from citizens regarding the device have been received in the last 5 years.
EAC Certification of measuring equipment
Measuring equipment can additionally underlie the EAC declaration.
The safety requirements for measuring instruments are defined in two technical regulations of the EAEU:
Delivery of documentation
If you order a metrological certificate, you will receive a copy of it via email immediately upon our successful certification process. Alongside you will receive the original document and two certified copies of it by post.