Our company Schmidt & Schmidt provides Extracts from the Real Estate Register of Vietnam with translation and Legalization.
Data on real estate in Vietnam is stored in the Land Register. The register is currently being developed, and information contained in it about a number of objects may be inaccurate.
The land register is under the jurisdiction of the General Department of Land Administration. The Department is included in the structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The Department was established in 1994 by the government by means of reorganization of the General Department of Land Administration and National Department of Topography and Cartography.
Funcitons of the Department
- to develop a land use policy
- maintain a real estate cadaster and register
- cartography
- topographic works
- land registration
- land examinations
- maintain land statistics
The Information Land Centre at the General Department of Land Administration is engaged in provision of administrative services, including for providing extracts from the real estate register.
According to the 2015 Civil Code, real estate includes: land plots, buildings, buildings related to land, other property linked to land.
Documents confirming ownership and right of land use are issued by people’s committees of cities and provinces.
A record in the register contains main data on an object and rights to it. A record consists of two main blocks:
- permanent information
- variable information
Extracts from the Real Estate Register of Vietnam may be used for:
- confirmation of title to real estate
- receipt of information about the real estate item
- debt collection
- analysis of prices for real estate
- other commercial and analytical purposes
*some data may be unavailable for certain items, or may be provided for a fee.
Receipt of documents in electronic form if necessary base information is available is normally carried out for one working day (if information is included in the electronic register).
Extracts from the Real Estate Register are provided subject to the laws of Vietnam and to the Law on personal data protection.
Moreover, you can order certified translation of your documents into any foreign language.
The requests shall be processed within one business day. Courier delivery of the apostilled extract shall be paid additionally according to the courier tariff rates.
Legalization of extracts from Vietnam
Vietnam is not party to the Hague Convention cancelling requirements of diplomatic or consular legalization of foreign official documents. Thus, the apostilling procedure is not applied in Vietnam. Documents compiled by authorities or with participation of Vietnamese authorities and designed for use abroad shall be legalized in a consulate institution.
Service | Price incl. German VAT 19% | Price excl. VAT |
Price for an electronic Extract from the Real Estate Register of Vietnam | from 59,50 € | from 50,00 € | Price for the translation of an electronic Extract | from 41,65 € | from 35,00 € |
Price for an Extract from the Real Estate Register of Vietnam with legalization | from 714,00 € | from 600,00 € |