In Kyrgyzstan 18 technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan) have come into force. By this, trade barriers are dismantled and unified rules on product certification are implemented.
The following technical regulations have entered into force:
8 regulations on the safety of food:
TR CU 021/2011 On safety of food
TR CU 022/2011 On food marking
TR CU 023/2011 On juice and products containing vegetables and fruits
TR CU 024/2011 On oil and fat products
TR CU 027/2012 On safety of particular types of special foodstuff including dietic clinical and dietic protective nutrition
TR CU 029/2013 On safety of food additives, flavor enhancer, and processing aids
TR CU 033/2013 On safety of milk and dairy products
TR CU 034/2013 On safety of meat and meat products
2 regulations on the safety of children's products:
TR CU 007/2011 On safety of the products for children and teenagers
TR CU 008/2011 On safety of toys
8 regulations deal with different fields:
TR CU 001/2011 On safety of rail vehicles
TR СU 003/2011 On safety of railway infrastructure
TR CU 005/2011 On safety of packaging
TR CU 006/2011 On safety of fireworks
TR CU 011/2011 Elevator safety
TR CU 017/2011 On safety of light industry products
TR CU 025/2012 On safety of furniture
TR CU 028/2012 On safety of explosives and products on their basis