Our company Schmidt & Schmidt provides Extracts from the land register of Gibraltar with translation and Apostille.
The land registration system in Gibraltar is different from the British one. Registration of transactions is made in the Supreme Court. Information about real estate is entered in the land register which since 1990 has been under the jurisdiction of the special enterprise Land Property Services Limited (“LPS”). This enterprise employs qualified land surveyors. They are official advisers of the government of Gibraltar on real estate issues.
Information about real estate is available to users after authorization on LPS web-site.
Search is carried out after payment of a fee.
Search criteria
- full address
- title number
The Register contains basic information about land plots and real estate objects.
Service | Price incl. German VAT 19% | Price excl. VAT |
Price for an electronic Extract from the land register of Gibraltar | from 59,50 € | from 50,00 € | Price for the translation of an electronic Extract | from 41,65 € | from 35,00 € |
Price for an Extract from the land register of Gibraltar with apostille | from 357,00 € | from 300,00 € |
Extract from the land register of Gibraltar may be used for:
- confirmation of title to real estate
- receipt of information about the real estate item
- debt collection
- analysis of prices for real estate
- other commercial and analytical purposes.
* some data may be unavailable for certain items, or may be provided for a fee.
Time for obtaining extracts in Gibraltar shall be specified individually.
Extracts from the land register of Gibraltar are provided subject to the laws of Gibraltar and to the Law on personal data protection.
Moreover, you can order certified translations of your documents.
The requests shall be processed within one business day. Courier delivery of the apostilled extract shall be paid additionally according to the courier tariff rates.