Schmidt & Schmidt provides Extracts from the land register of San Marino with translation and Apostille.
Data on real estate of San Marino are contained in the land register and register of buildings. These registers are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Technical Cadaster of the Territory Administration of the Republic of San Marino.
The department is engaged in inventory taking of all real estate in the Republic, technical work in the area of geodesy and cartography, and register maintenance.
The department of technical cadaster issues:
- certificates
- technical certificates
- extracts
- excerptions of cadastral information
- mapping information
Land register contains data on the owners, general information about objects, information about rights and encumbrances.
Access to information obtained in registers is possible only through or under the supervision of a specially authorized official.
Mapping information is available online to authorized users.
Extract from the register of San Marino may be used for:
- confirmation of title to real estate
- receipt of information about the real estate
- debt collection
- analysis of prices for real estate
- other commercial and analytical purposes.
Apart from the extract from the register, copies of individual documents and maps may be obtained.
* some data may be unavailable for certain items, or may be provided for a fee.
Information about time and possibility for obtaining an extract from registers of San Marino shall be specified individually.
Extracts from the land register are provided subject to the laws of San Marino and to the Law on personal data protection.
Moreover, you can order certified translation.
Apostilled extracts in San Marino
The Republic of San Marino joined the Hague Convention on simplified legalization of documents on May 26, 1994. Since February 13, 1995 the Convention came into force in San Marino. Thus, documents issued in San Marino are subject to legalization based on a simplified procedure - apostilling, after certified translation such documents acquire full legal force on the territory of all other Hague Convention Member States.
As a rule, apostillation of extracts takes about two weeks.
Service | Price incl. German VAT 19% | Price excl. VAT |
Price for an electronic Extract from the land register of San Marino | from 59,50 € | from 50,00 € | Price for the translation of an electronic Extract | from 41,65 € | from 35,00 € |
Price for an Extract from the land register of San Marino with apostille | from 357,50 € | from 300,00 € |