The conformity assessment of industrial plants is a compulsory procedure of state supervision. The conformity assessment must prove that industrial plants satisfy the relevant provisions of the correspondent directives and do not endanger the health and safety of persons and property. After successful conformity assessment the EAC Certificate or EAC Declaration is drawn up.
Legal Framework
The basis for the conformity assessment of industrial plants builds the legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Russian Federation:
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 982 of December 1, 2009 "On the approval of a list of products subject to compulsory certification and declaration"
- Federal Law Nr. 184-FZ of December, 27 2002 "About technical regulation"
- Decision of the Eurasian Customs Commission No 621 of April, 7 2011 "On the application of standardized schemes in the conformity assessment procedures"
- Federal Law N 116-FZ of July, 21 1997 "About the safety of production plants with enhanced hazard"
- Decision of the Commission of the Eurasian Economic Union Nr. 711 of July, 15 2011 "About obligatory marking"
Application area
The term industrial plants means a range of different machines and mechanisms involved in a manufacturing process designed to carry out various technological processes (mechanical processing, provisioning, etc.) and to make the product of the required quality.
The conformity assessment procedure must normally be carried out for industrial plants. The following technical regulations come into consideration:
- TR CU 010/2011 On safety of machinery and plants
- TR CU 004/2011 On safety of low-voltage plants
- TR CU 016/2011 On safety of appliances burning gaseous fuels
- TR CU 020/2011 On electromagnetic compatibility
- TR CU 032/2013 On safety of pressure plants
Generally, pivotal technical regulation for industrial plants is TR CU 010/2011 On safety of machinery and plants. Nevertheless, industrial plants can also be subject to other regulations mentioned above, depending on their functionality.
EAC Conformity assessment of machinery
Usually, the technical regulation TR CU 010/2011 "On the safety of machinery and equipment" plays a major role. This applies to almost all types of machinery and equipment with a few exceptions e.g.: aircraft and spacecraft, railway trains, attractions and oil rigs (full list can be found in regulation TR 010).
Considering the fact, that modern industrial plants often consist of several technical devices, an EAC certificate of conformity according to TR CU 010/2011 is usually not sufficient. In addition to the technical code TR CU 010/2011, the EAEU conutries have developed a number of technical codes with a narrower focus.
Schemes of EAC certification
Scheme | Description |
1C | is intended for series production. The EAC certificate is issued for a maximum of 5 years. Here samples are tested and a production audit is performed. Based on test protocol, examination of technical documentation and results of the audit, the EAC certificate is issued.
An inspection check must also be carried out every year. The EAC certificate is issued on the basis of test reports, examination of technical documentation and results of the audit. |
3C | is intended for a batch delivery or one-time delivery. In this scheme samples are also required. |
9C | is intended for a limited number of machines needed to equip enterprises on the territory of the EAEU. The conformity tests are carried out on the basis of technical documentation. |
Schemes of EAC declaration
Scheme | Description |
1D | is provided for serial production. |
2D | is provided for batch delivery. |
3D | is also for batch production. This scheme requires sample testing at a laboratory accredited in the EAEU. |
4D | is required for batch delivery. In this scheme the sample tests are required at a laboratory accredited in EAEU. |
5D | is for batch production only. Scheme 5d is used for machines and equipment used in production facilities with increased hazards. |
6D | can be used for serial production if the producer has a quality management system certified in EAEU. |
EAC Conformity assessment of switch and control cabinets
Switch and control cabinets as well as electrical distribution boards, are used for the reception, measurement and distribution of electrical energy, protection of electricail circuits, emergeny power supply and control of electrical installations. They consist of cabinets, control units and connecting elements. Switchgear and control cabinets are usually supplied ad ready-to-install individual cabinets.
The switch and control cabinets and distribution boards for alternating current from 50 to 1000 volts and direct current from 75 to 1500 volts are subject to mandatory EAC certification according to TR CU 004/2011 "On the safety of low-voltage installations".
Besides that, switch and control cabinets may contain various components that can generate electromagnetic interference or are sensitive to such inerference. Regardless of voltage, such electrical equipment is subject to the mandatory EAC declaration accordingto TR CU 020/2011 "On Eletromagnetic compatibility", the EAC declaration may in this case be voluntarily replaced by the EAC certification.
Electrical switch and control cabinets or distribution boards operating at medium voltage or high voltage are subject to conformity assessment according to national regulations such as GOST-R, GOST-K and STB, as no harmonised regulation has yet been introduced in this area at EAEU level.
Schemes of EAC certification according to TR CU 004/2011
Scheme | Description |
1C | is intended for series production. The EAC certificate is issued for a maximum of 5 years. In this case, samples are to be tested and a manufacturing audit is to be carried out. The EAC certificate is issued on the basis of the test report, examination of technical documents and results of the audit.
An inspection control must also be carried out every year. |
3C | is intended for a batch/single delivery. In this case, samples are also to be tested. |
4C | is intended for a single delivery. In this case, samples are also to be tested. |
Schemes of EAC declaration according to TR CU 020/2011
Scheme | Description |
1D | is intended for series production. This scheme requires the type examination of product samples. Type examination of product samples is carried out by the manufacturer. |
2D | is intended for a single delivery. This scheme requires the type examination of product samples. Type examination of product samples are carried out by the manufacturer. |
3D | is intended for series production. This scheme requires product samples to be tested by a laboratory accredited by the EAEU. |
4D | is intended for a single delivery. This scheme requires product samples to be tested by a laboratory accredited by the EAEU. |
6D | is intended for series production. This scheme requires product samples to be tested by a laboratory accredited by the EAEU. |
EAC conformity assessment of pressure equipment and pressure vessels
Goven the fact that this equipment can pose a particular risk to human life and the environment if the regulations are not followed, special attetion is paid to the safety requirements in the technical regulation TR CU 032/2013 On the safety of pressure equipment. In the manufacture of pressure equipment and pressure vessels, these safety requirements must be observec at all stages of production: from design to commissioning. The technical regulations contain the following information:
- strength calculation considering probable loads
- strength assessment is calculated with the formulae. Any chance of harming human health and the environment must be eliminated
- additional equipment must be provided in the design phase, thanks to which safe work is monitored
- it must be possible to replace individual elements in the event of their failure
- factors causing overheating of the equipment must be eliminated or minimised
- the prototype must pass the tests
- the materials of which the equipment is made must meet the safety requirements throughout the life of the product (see Annex 2 of TR CU 032)
- colours in which pressure equipment can and should be painted is prescribed ina a special application so that the specialist can immediately determine from the colour of the surface to which category the equipment belongs (see Annex 3 of TR 032)
Those pressure equipments are subject to obligatory EAC certification or declaration.
Schemes of EAC declaration
Scheme | Description |
1D | is intended for series production for equipment of the hazard class 1,2. This scheme requires the type examination of product samples. Type examination of product samples is carried out by the manufacturer. |
2D | is intended for a batch delivery or a single delivery for equipment of the hazard class 1,2. This scheme requires the type examination of product samples. Type examination of product samples are carried out by the manufacturer. |
3D | is intended for series production for equipment of the hazard class 1,2. This scheme requires product samples to be tested by a laboratory accredited by the EAEU. |
4D | is intended for a batch delivery for equipment of the hazard class 1,2. This scheme requires product samples to be tested by a laboratory accredited by the EAEU. |
5D | is intended for equipment of the hazard class 1,2,3,4 if they can be completed only on the territory of the factory. This scheme is used if no type examination can be carried out until these devices have been completed at the operating site and if no standards specified in TR CU 032/2013 have been applied.
This scheme requires product samples to be tested by a laboratory accredited by the EAEU. |
Schemes of EAC certification
Scheme | Description |
1C | is intended for series production for equipment of the hazard class 3,4. In this case, samples are to be tested and a manufacturing audit is to be carried out. The EAC certificate is issued on the basis of the test report, examination of technical documents and results of the audit.
An inspection control must also be carried out every year. |
3C | is intended for a batch delivery for equipment of the hazard class 3,4. In this case, samples are also to be tested. |
4C | is intended for a single delivery for equipment of the hazard class 3,4. In this case, samples are also to be tested. |
7C | is intended for series production for equipment of the hazard class 3,4. In this case, samples are to be tested and a manufacturing audit is to be carried out. The EAC certificate is issued on the basis of the test report, examination of technical documents and results of the audit. |
EAC conformity assessment of explosion proof equipment
TR CU 012/2011 On the safety of equipment for operation in potentially explosive atmospheres applies to explosion-proof equipment. Taking into account the complexity of technical equipment and the conditions under which it is operated, other regulations are also applied: TR CU 010/2011 "On the safety of machinery and equipment", TR CU 016/2011 "On the safety of gas operated equipment" and TR CU 020/2011 "On electromagnetic compatibility".
In addition, explosion-proof equipment must have its own marking. The abbreviation EX is accepted in the international community. The marking must be entered in the technical documentation.
Withing the category, the equipment is further subdivided:
- according to explosion zones
- according to area of application
- according to groups
- according to temperature classes in relation to explosion protection level
Explosion protection is the most complex and unsafe component of the equipment. Therefore, it has its own classification. Each type is marked with a letter: a, b, c etc. This letter must be added to the main marking of the product (eg. Exa, Exb, Exc) and must also be placed in the technical documentation of the equipment.
Explosion-proof equipment is subject to EAC certification only. For this category, the applicant shall provide the following information: manufacturing process, a list of applied standards, a description of the technical solutions and a risk assessment (if the standards have not been applied), a production quality management system certificate (if available), a supply contract. Certification is carried out exclusively by an accredited certification body.
Schemes of EX certification
Scheme | Description |
1C | is intended for series production. In this case, samples are to be tested and a manufacturing audit is to be carried out. |
3C | is intended for a batch delivery. In this case, samples are to be tested and a manufacturing audit is to be carried out. |
4C | is intended for a single delivery. In this case, samples are to be tested and a manufacturing audit is to be carried out. |
Conformity assessment for measuring equipment
Measuring equipment and instruments are usually subject to EAC declaration. The safety requirements for measuring instruments are determined in the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union TR CU 004/2011 On safety of low-voltage equipment and TR CU 020/2011 On electromagnetic compatibility. Those technical regulations provide for the conformity assessment of measuring instruments in the form of th EAC declaration.
Explosion-proof measuring instruments, on the other hand, are subject to the mandatory EAC certificationn according to TR CU 012/2011 "On the safety of equipment for operation in potentially explosive atmospheres".
Considering the difficult working conditions in production operations with increased hazards, one may ask whether fire certification according to TR EAEU 043/2017 On the requirements for means of fire protection and fire extinguishing systems should be necessary. However, the list of installations requiring fire certification is limited.
Conformity assessment procedure
Conformity of the product with the technical requirements can be proved in the form of the EAC Certificate or EAC Declaration.
EAC Certification is carried out as follows:
- Step: filing of application at the notified certification body
- Step: the notified certification body checks the documentation
- Step: product classification and sampling
- Step: testing
- Step: manufacturing audit (if set out in the technical regulation)
- Step: Issuance of the EAC certificate and registration in the Uniform Register
- Step: monitoring of the certified product
EAC declaration is carried out as follows:
- Step: At frist, the manufacturer has to identify which technical standards their product must comply with
- Step: Now, the manufacturer chooses the scheme, according to which the conformity assessment is carried out
- Step: Tests are conducted and properly recorded
- Step: If the results are positive, the manufacturer can prepare the necessary technical documents. The required documents are listed in the technical regulations.
- Step: A declaration is issued by the national manufacturer of a foreign authorized representative
- Step: The declaration and the documents have to be registered in the uniform register of the Eurasian Economic Union.
The obligatory assessment is carried out according to one of the procedures set out in the corresponding technical regulation. The selection of the necessary procedure depends on production type: series production or single-unit production.
Certification Matrix
For large and complex projects, it is sometimes recommendable to create a certification matrix for the EAC conformity assessment yourself or have it created by experts. The certification matrix provides and overview of which products/product types or components require which proofs of conformity and additional documentation.
The matrix often is created in excel format and consists of the following elements:
- designation of the product
- designation of the required proof of conformity
- designation of the required technical documentation
The most common conformity certificates that must be shown by manufacturers, importers and sellers are:
- EAC certificates according to the Technical Regulations of the EAEU
- EAC declaration according to the Technical Regulations of the EAEU
- certificate on state registration
- fire safety certificates
- type approval for measuring equipment - Pattern Approval Certificate
- certificate of calibration
- Licenses or other approvals
Relevant documentation

- detailed description of the plants
- identification of the plants
- HS Codes
- technical passport
- safety justification
- instruction manual
- detailed drawings
- technical file
- test reports
- available certificates: ISO, DIN, CE, CB
Other documents can be required.
Authorized representative
The manufacturer, which is not established in one of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union, is not entitled to apply for any EAC conformity certificate.
In accordance with applicable law and in accordance with the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union, only an entrepreneur residing in the territory of the Customs Union may be designated as an authorized representative.
In order to get the conformity certificate, the foreign manufacturer must appoint an authorized representative in one of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. He represents the interests in the certifying bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union regarding the safety and quality of products and compliance with technical regulations. Our company - Schmidt & Schmidt - offers you an authorized representative on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union.
EAC marking
The products declared according to technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union must be marked with the EAC conformity mark before placing on the market. The conformity mark shall be affixed to each unit and (or) shipping documents. The marking must be carried out in such a way that it is easily recognizable and legible throughout the entire shelf life of the product. Appropriate marking may only be made if the corresponding production meets the requirements of all relevant technical regulations.
Period of validity of EAC conformity assessment certificates for industrial plants
The validity period of the EAC certificate or EAC declaration for industrial plants differs depending on the applied technical regulations, the selected scheme, the type of production (serial production, individual delivery, etc.) and equipment and ranges on average from one to 5 years. Those parameters are determined in the respective technical regulation.
Duration and costs for EAC certification
The duration and costs associated with an EAC certificate application for industrial plants depend on several different factors, such as the classification of the product, any required laboratory checks and the complexity of all examinations. As such the exact conditions of the EAC certification are always determined individually based on the required documentation.
Please note that an application for an EAC certificate can takeseveral weeks to process.
Delivery of the documentation
If you order the EAC Certificate on industrial plants, you will receive a copy of it via email immediately after our successful certification procedure. The original document and two certified copies will be sent by post.