The Eurasian Economic Union, the EAEU, was established on January 1, 2015. It is the next stage of integration between five countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan. The EAEU was preceded by the establishment of a customs Union with a single market. All customs borders and other obstacles between states should be abolished. This offers considerable facilitation in the cross-border movement of goods. The goods which have been released for free circulation in one of the Member States are no longer subject to duty charges in the other countries of the EAEU.
An important step in the process of integration is the coordination of Technical Regulations. The national regulations such as GOST-R, STB, TR- or Kazakh GOST-K standards are replaced by uniform binding technical rules. The aim is also to make sure the EAEU's Technical Regulations are in line with European standards.
So far 44 Technical Regulations have been discharged. Products for which EAEU Technical Regulations have not yet been developed are still subject to the conformity assessment according to national standards and Technical Regulations of the respective member state. For example, the certification in the fields of fire protection and metrology is still subject to national regulations. Furthermore products with a voluntary GOST R certificate can receive official confirmation that the products meet Russian quality and safety requirements.